Pa le dechreuaf ganu?

("Haeddiant mawr yr aberth")
Pa le dechreuaf ganu
  Am ddwyfol farwol loes,
A haeddiant mawr yr aberth
  Fu'n hongian ar y groes?
Anfeidrol bwysau pechod
  A wasgwyd arno ef,
A'r pris anfeidrol dalwyd
  I groesi llyfrau'r nef.

Mi ganaf tra fo anadl
  O fewn i'r ffroenau hyn,
Am gariad yn dioddef
  Ar ben Calfaria fryn;
Am goron ddrain blethedig,
  Am hoelion geirwa'u rhyw,
I gànu'm henaid euog
  Fel eira gwyna'i liw.

Fe rwygwyd muriau cedyrn,
  Fe ddrylliwyd dorau pres,
Oedd rhyngom ni a'r bywyd -
  Mae'r bywyd heddyw'n nes;
Palmantwyd yr holl lwybrau,
  Mae'r pyrth o led y pen,
O ddyfnder dinas distryw
  I eitha'r nefoedd wen.

Fe bery trugareddau
  'R cyfammod gwerthfawr, drud,
Pan ddarfo'r greadigaeth
  Ddiderfyn oll i gyd;
Ni bydd ond dechreu gweled
  Daioni mawr y ne',
Pan gollo haul a lleuad
  A'r holl blanedau'u lle.
'n hongian :: 'n gwaedu

William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [7676D]:
Merionydd (William Lloyd 1786-1852)
Mount St (John Roberts 1822-77)
Ramah (<1876)
Rhyddid (alaw Gymreig)
St Theodulph (Melchior Teschner 1584-1635)

  Mae'r ffynnon yn agored
  Mi ganaf tra fo anadl
  Ni fuasai gennyf obaith

("The great merit of the sacrifice")
Where shall I begin to sing
  About divine throes of death,
And the great merit of the sacrifice
  Which was hanging on the cross?
The immeasurable weight of sin
  Was pressed upon him,
And the immeasurable price was paid
  To cross the books of heaven.

I will sing while ever there is breath
  Within these nostrils,
About love suffering
  On the summit of Calvary hill;
About a crown of plaited thorns,
  About nails of a rough kind,
To bleach my guilty soul
  Like snow of the whitest colour.

Firm walls were rent,
  Brass doors were shattered,
Which were between us and the life -
  The life is today nearer;
All the paths were paved,
  The gates are wide open,
From the depths of the city of destruction
  To the extremity of the bright heavens.

Endure shall the mercies
  Of the precious, costly covenant,
When all the endless creation
  Vanishes altogether;
It will be but the beginning of seeing
  The great goodness of heaven,
When the sun and moon and all
  The planets lose their place.
hanging :: bleeding

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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